Saturday, July 21, 2012


C’mon, folks! Let’s be serious. Why in God’s name would anyone in their right mind vote for politicians whose every word and deed serves only the wishes of their billionaire masters?
Want to see what America would look like as envisioned by these lackeys to Wall Street and the Oil Companies? 
Vote Republican!   
Better yet, imagine an America where the government has been crippled and hogtied when it comes to serving the needs of the poor, the infirm, the elderly or the middle class. Hell, just by gaining a majority in the House of Representatives they’ve been able to castrate the financial reforms voted in by the last congress. Just imagine what they could do with control of both the presidency and the congress!
The Republicans see no evil, speak no evil, or hear no evil when it comes to their billionaire bosses, even the ones most guilty of turning our once prosperous country into a nation of dogs fighting for scraps tossed from the tables of the wealthy.
Medicare and Social Security? Say goodbye to those quaint outdated concepts once the Republicans gain control. If you think I’m being alarmist, recall how George W. Bush campaigned to privatize social security, or how the republicans all voted for Paul Ryan’s Medicare-emasculating budget.
What happened to America, this once great country of ours, that men and women of the lowest possible moral standing—with no regard for the welfare of others, no concern for the rights of individuals, no limits to their jingoism, no higher priority than eliminating all reasonable taxation of the wealthy, no interest in protecting even the most vulnerable among us from predatory lending or banking practices, no concern for the planet we inhabit or the air we breathe, no shame about raining war, destruction or torture on foreign countries or their people, no shame about crippling America’s own leaders or its economy if it improves their political status—are given a platform to spew the most venomous lies and accusations, then voted into office to pursue their small-minded, self-enriching political agenda?
We voted Republican, that's what happened!
Want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare as we know them?
Vote Republican!
Want to shift every penny the government spends on food stamps, education, health counseling and job training into building the word’s largest, best-equipped, most threatening and unnecessary military presence on the planet?
Vote Republican!
Want to see homosexuals lose all the acceptance and credibility they’ve gained in the last 20 years?
Vote Republican!
Want to see unregulated drilling in coastal waters, uncontrolled pollutants from smokestacks, and official U.S policies that actively deny and advance global warming?
Vote Republican!
Want to see the children of undocumented immigrants treated like criminals, thrown into prisons and deported?
Vote Republican!
Want to see millionaires and billionaires continue to buy elections unhindered by law or conscience?
Vote Republican!
Want to see thousands of eligible voters barred from the voting booth because they might not vote Republican?
Vote Republican!

Want to see election districts gerrymandered to ensure the election of Republicans in perpetuity?
Vote Republican!
Want to see your children move back in with you because they’re broke and deeply in debt?
Vote Republican!
Want to see your mother working as a Walmart greeter till she’s 95?
Vote Republican!
Want to see your life savings and your 401(k) scooped up by Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan every few years?
Vote Republican!
Want to see the Supreme Court continue to be as dishonest and politically biased as it’s been for the last 10 years?
Vote Republican!
Want to see the value of your home and the equity in your home disappear in the wake of the next financial crisis?
Vote Republican!
Want to see every public and private sector union in the country dismantled or disemboweled?
Vote Republican!
Want to be tricked into voting against your own best interests, election after election?
Vote Republican!
Want to see America turned into an international laughing stock by policies so unenlightened and self-serving they resemble those of South Africa under apartheid?
Vote Republican!
Want to lose your home to foreclosure?
Vote Republican!
Want your children to grow up in a country that only provides equal opportunity for the offspring of the wealthy?
Vote Republican!
Want to make the stupidest move a sentient, well-meaning American can make?
Vote Republican!
Want to prove you’re even dumber than that?
Tell your friends to vote Republican!


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